Christmas is a time for celebration and spending time with loved ones but fire can easily change that.
Please follow the checklist to minimise the risk of fire in your home over Christmas:
Christmas Safety Checklist
Ensure the Christmas lights you purchase meet the relevant British Standards.
Do not put decorations close to lights or heat sources they can burn easily.
Never leave your Christmas tree lights on when you go out or overnight.
Never place candles near your tree or other furnishings or leave them unattended.
Keep candles and lighters out of the reach of children.
Take extra precautions when cooking and drinking alcohol. Never leave cooking un-attended.
Do not overload electrical socket and always use an anti-surge adaptor for any extra plugs you may be using.
Check your smoke alarm is working properly and if needs be remove any dust and change the battery.
Take the time to pay attention to elderly relatives or neighbours who may be alone this Christmas ensuring they are safe and have everything they need. Test their smoke alarm for them too.
The following video from the FireKills campaign shows the devastating speed a fire caused by a Christmas Tree can take hold.
For any further fire safety advice you may require please do not hesitate to contact us.